
Open Source

ExaProxy Alternatives


#1 Varnish

Open Source

Varnish is a proxy HTTP server that sits between the web server and the user, intercepting requests and caching responses. This makes it possible to cache static content and eliminate the need to send the same requests over and over again. It’s used by some of the largest websites in the world, including Wikipedia, The Guardian, and IMDb. If you’re looking for a way to speed up your website, then you need to check out Varnish.

It is a proxy HTTP server that can cache your website’s content and images, which means that your website will load much faster for your visitors. It speeds up your website by caching responses from the server, meaning that if someone visits your website more than once, the page will load much faster for them the second time around. It can also be used to cache responses from other servers, meaning that your website can take advantage of the power of other servers without having to actually use them.

#2 Squid

Open Source

Squid is a proxy HTTP server that caches, accelerates, and filters web traffic from clients. It has extensive access controls and makes a great platform for content filtering and is used by many organizations to reduce bandwidth costs, improve response times to web applications, and secure their networks. It can also reduce the load on servers by caching static files and eliminating the need for a separate web server.

It is designed to improve the performance and reliability of the web by reducing the amount of data that needs to be sent over the network. Squid can also be used to bypass firewalls or content filtering or to reduce the amount of bandwidth used by a network. Squid is a caching HTTP proxy server that accelerates the download of web pages and other content by caching previously fetched content on the server. It facilitates as a reverse proxy to redirect HTTP requests to other servers.


#3 Apache Traffic Server

Open Source

Apache Traffic Server is a proxy HTTP server that is used to improve the performance of web applications by caching and distributing static, dynamic, and streaming content. It can be used to reduce the load on application servers by caching static content, such as images, pages, and files. It can distribute dynamic content, such as application responses and streaming media files. It can be used to cache static content, as well as dynamic content that is generated on the fly.

This can improve the response time for web applications and also reduce the load on the server. It is used to speed up the delivery of web pages by storing a copy of the requested content on the server. This can reduce the load on the main web server and improve the response time for users. The Apache Traffic Server can also be used to proxy requests for other services, such as FTP and streaming media.

#4 HAProxy

Open Source

HAProxy is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP proxy server designed for load balancing and high availability. It can be used to proxy HTTP and HTTPS requests, as well as TCP and UDP connections. It supports a number of features, including compression, SSL, and caching, and can also be used to load balance Web servers and to create a high availability solution. It facilitates you to make the communication between multiple computers on a network easier.

It enables you to load balance web traffic across multiple servers, secure and optimize the delivery of web pages, and add redundancy to your network. It is used by some of the world’s largest websites, including Netflix, Tumblr, Reddit, and Airbnb. HAProxy can be used to improve the performance and security of your website by routing traffic through a dedicated server.

#5 Nginx


Nginx is a high-performance proxy HTTP server and reverses proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. It is one of the most popular web servers in the world and is used by millions of websites, including some of the busiest ones. It can be used to improve the performance of a web server, as a load balancer, or to route HTTP traffic to different servers and can also be used as a reverse proxy to improve the performance of an existing web server and increase the security of your website.

Nginx is one of a handful of HTTP servers that can handle the load of a large website or application. Many high-traffic websites, including WordPress.com, GitHub, and DropBox, are powered by this platform. It was designed for maximum performance and stability. It can handle thousands of concurrent connections and use very little memory, and features a powerful event-driven architecture that makes it suitable for dynamic websites and applications.

#6 TinyProxy

Open Source

TinyProxy is a small, fast, and lightweight HTTP proxy server that is designed to be easy to use and to be able to handle a large number of connections. It features a simple web-based interface, support for HTTPS and authentication, and a variety of lodging options. It is ideal for use with a home or office network or on a single machine.

TinyProxy is a proxy HTTP server that you can use to shield your IP address when browsing the internet. It’s a great way to keep your identity and online activities private, and it’s also a great way to get around website bans and filters. Other functions of this platform include requiring only a minimal POSIX environment to build and operate, allowing forwarding of HTTPS connections without modifying traffic in any way, and many more.

#7 Apache Ignite

Open Source

Apache Ignite is a proxy HTTP server that allows companies to store and serve static files, such as images, JavaScript, and CSS files, from a centralized location. This can be helpful for companies that want to improve the performance of their websites by reducing the number of requests that need to be made to the origin server. It offers a variety of other features, such as compression and caching, which can improve the overall user experience. It will make it easier for businesses to comply with the new GDPR regulations.

The GDPR requires businesses to get explicit consent from their customers before collecting or storing any data related to them. The proxy server will make it easy for businesses to get that consent by allowing them to collect data through a secure and transparent process. It covers a variety of other features that will make it easier for businesses to comply with the GDPR, including data encryption and anonymization. With Apache Ignite, developers can easily improve the performance of their applications while also adding security and scale. It is built on top of the popular Apache HTTP Server, making it easy to use and configure.

#8 Redis


Redis is an open-source (BSD licensed) in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, hyper logs, and geospatial indexes with radius searches. It has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and different levels of on-disk persistence. It is designed to be accessed by clients in different programming languages. It is used by companies such as Twitter, Pinterest, Airbnb, Pagerduty, Tumblr, McAfee, and Dell.

Redis is the perfect solution for businesses that want to improve their website’s performance and scalability. With this platform, you can easily create a caching layer between your web server and your database. This will help to speed up your website’s response time, and it will also help to reduce the load on your database. Another function of this platform is that you can easily scale your website to handle any increase in traffic.

#9 Section


Section is a server that sits between your computer and the websites you visit. When you type in the URL for a website, the proxy server forwards your request to the website, then retrieves the website’s content and sends it back to you. This process helps protect your privacy and anonymity online by hiding your IP address from the websites you visit. It is also useful for bypassing censorship and geographical restrictions.

If you’re located in a country that blocks access to certain websites, you can use a proxy server to access them. For example, if you’re on a network that blocks certain websites, you can use a proxy server to access them. Or, if you’re trying to hide your online activity from your ISP, you can use a proxy server to encrypt all of your traffic. It is free to use, and it’s very easy to set up. It’s also very secure, and it can be used to anonymously access the internet.

#10 Nuster

Open Source

Nuster is a proxy server that helps protect your privacy and security online. It hides your IP address and encrypts your traffic, so your personal information is safe from prying eyes, making it difficult for third-party trackers to monitor your activity and allowing you to bypass censorship and access blocked websites. It allows you to bypass censorship and access blocked websites, so you can freely browse the Internet.

Nuster is a proxy server that allows you to browse the Internet anonymously and protect your privacy. It encrypts your traffic and hides your IP address, allowing you to safely and securely browse the Internet without fear of being tracked or monitored. It is also a great tool for bypassing censorship and restrictions and for accessing websites and content that are blocked in your country.

#11 Tornado Web Server

Open Source

Tornado Web Server is the perfect proxy server for your business. It is easy to set up and use, and it can be customized to meet your specific needs. It is a reliable and efficient way to improve your business’s online presence. It enables users to browse the Internet safely and securely and provides a number of features and benefits, including protection against malware and viruses, protection against identity theft, secure access to the Internet.

It is easy to use and provides excellent protection against a variety of online threats. The Tornado Web Server is a proxy server that is designed to help businesses increase their productivity. It does this by allowing employees to access the Internet from anywhere in the office. This can be done without the need for a VPN, which can be unreliable and slow. It is also easy to set up and use, making it a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

#12 Cachelot

Open Source

Cachelot is an online proxy server that helps protect your privacy and security while surfing the web. It hides your IP address and encrypts your data, keeping your information safe and secure. It lets you access blocked websites and browse the Internet anonymously, making it the perfect tool for staying safe and secure online. It keeps your data and identity safe while you browse the Internet and lets you access blocked websites and content. With the help of this platform, you can keep your business and personal information private and stay safe from cybercrime and data theft.

Cachelot is a proxy server that protects your privacy and security while you browse the Internet. You can keep your identity and personal information hidden from prying eyes and access websites that are blocked in your country or region. It is also an excellent tool for bypassing censorship and surveillance. With Cachelot, you can keep your online activities safe and secure.

#13 WinGate


WinGate is one of the best platforms that provide comprehensive proxy server support, including caching, content filtering, and bandwidth management. It can act as an HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SOCKS, or SMTP proxy server, and there is even a built-in DHCP server for managing your network’s IP addresses and also supports secure communications via SSL and TLS. WinGate is a proxy server that provides secure access to the Internet for your business.

With this platform, you can control who has access to the Internet, when they have access, and what they can do while online. It also includes a firewall to protect your network from unauthorized access. WinGate Proxy Server is a highly versatile software package that provides secure and efficient access to the Internet for your business, school, home, or organization. It can provide a single point of access for all of your Internet needs, reducing the load on your firewall and providing a more secure environment for your users.

#14 Reproxy

Open Source

Reproxy is the world’s first proxy server that allows users to bypass censorship and access any website or app they want without revealing their location or identity. Proxy servers are an essential part of the Internet, providing a way for users to hide their location and access websites and apps that are blocked in their country. However, most proxy servers are slow and unreliable, and many of them are also blocked by the authorities. It is the world’s first proxy server that is both fast and reliable and that is also not blocked by the authorities.

With this platform, you can access any website or app that you want without revealing your location or identity. Reproxy is a proxy server that allows users to browse the Internet anonymously. With the help of this channel, users can hide their IP addresses and protect their privacy online. It is also a great tool for bypassing censorship and accessing blocked websites. It allows you to bypass censorship and access any website or app, no matter where you are in the world. With Reproxy, you can keep your data safe and secure while you surf the web.

#15 Artica Proxy

Open Source

Artica Proxy is a communication tool that allows businesses to improve their internal communication and protect their network. A proxy server establishes a secure connection between two networks and can be used to filter content, improve security, or cache data. It is a great tool for protecting your privacy and security online, and it can also be used to access blocked websites and bypass censorship restrictions. If you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to improve your business’ online security, Artica Proxy is the perfect solution.

The proxy server provides a wide range of features that make it the perfect choice for businesses of all sizes. With this platform, you can rest assured that your data is safe and your business is protected. Some of the key features of our proxy server include a wide range of security features, including anti-virus and anti-spyware protection, a user-friendly interface that is easy to use, support for a variety of different devices, including PCs, Macs, and mobile devices.