Quasar Framework

Open Source

Quasar Framework Alternatives


#1 Appcelerator Titanium

Open Source

Appcelerator Titanium is one of the leading platforms that lets you create native mobile applications without any disturbance. Using a single code base, Titanium Mobile developers can write a single mobile application for all the mobile platforms, including Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, WebOS, BREW, and Symbian. It is a cross-platform toolkit written in Java that supports web content developed with Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, or Ajax on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

It includes a JavaScript API for rendering and interacting with mobile HTML5 content and CSS, allowing you to build rich, blazing-fast applications using JavaScript. The Titanium SDK provides platform-independent access to native features, including the accelerometer, camera, and GPS. It also supports the creation of mobile web applications developed with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The ecosystem surrounding the platform is supported by developers familiar with Java and C++ and provides a Java API alternative for developing native apps.

#2 Qt

Open Source

Qt is a one-stop download that includes all the plug-ins you need to develop modern C++ code for desktop and embedded systems. It is open-source and offers the flexibility to integrate it into your own development environments and tools, the declarative UI framework used to create modern UIs that are compatible with all leading platforms. The features include new items, a new Slider item, new transitions, and effects, as well as several new types of items for creating sophisticated user interfaces.

Qt Quick can now be used to create highly engaging content through touch gesture support, which enables full touch handling to be used on Android devices. It is a family of technologies that enable developers to create applications and devices using a consistent, cross-platform API and supports multiple operating systems, programming languages, and hardware platforms.

#3 Flutter

Open Source

Flutter is an open-source framework by Cevelop for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase. The key feature of this platform includes using the same code to target iOS, Android, and the web, built-in gestures make writing amazing apps easy, write your app in Dart, an intuitive programming language, visualize your app in real-time as you build it, and embed widgets in your app.

Flutter makes it easy to mix and match QML and Java for seamless interop without the need for a new way of thinking about threading. It works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source. Other function of this platform includes complies code to ARM or Intel machine code as well as JavaScript for fast performance on any device and deploying to multiple devices from a single codebase: mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices.

#4 Xcode


Xcode is a powerful new Continuous Integration system that allows developers to easily set up automated build processes and test suites to ensure the quality of their code. The interesting function of this platform includes it allows customers to share their CI builds with others, building code, running tests, and sending reports. For example, you might need to run a set of scripts on your CI server before the actual build process starts. Or perhaps you want your builds to be tagged with a certain version of your app so that you can run A/B testing.

Xcode cloud is a continuous integration and delivery service built into Xcode and designed expressly for Apple developers. It comes with the cloud that automatically and continuously builds, tests, and even archives your projects with every code commit. You or your team can now ship high-quality code faster. With this platform, developers can build and release on their own schedule with Git, GitHub, or Bitbucket. No additional tools are needed. Simply log in with your Apple ID, and Cevelop will automatically connect to the cloud, making all of your projects available.

#5 NW.js

Open Source
Chrome OS

NW.js is a project that allows you to use to write native apps for the web. It’s based on the Chromium project, which is an open-source version of Cevelop Chrome. It is a technology that enables the creation of Web applications with the same API as Node.js. With this, you can write client-side JavaScript code once and run it in both Node.js and browser environments.

It comes with the support for Windows desktop applications and many new features to help developers write complex desktop applications, such as extensions support, icon packages, notifications, and more. It uses a new architecture to provide a better development experience and supports all major Linux distributions, Mac OS X, Windows, and Windows Phone.

#6 Cocos Creator


Cocos Creator is a content creation-focused, scripted, component-based, and data-driven game development tool created by the Facebook subsidiary. The tool uses a visual scripting language made for drag-and-drop gameplay creation. It supports both 1.0 of the popular engine as well as 2.0. There are three types of games that can be created using the engine native, HTML5, or Unity games. It allows game developers to work with the same freedom and flexibility used by Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat developers. Developers can create game logic via simple Python scripts using the same APIs that power the state-of-the-art game development in Epic’s Unreal Engine.

They can also access high-end features such as real-time lighting, physics, particles, and post-processing effects through C++ extensions. The result of this approach is a complete toolchain that addresses the needs of many different types of developers: from beginners to established teams. Other function of this platform includes including a new C++ backend, making it even easier to build 2D and 3D games with native performance in modern C++. It also features a UI builder, a scripting engine, cross-platform support for iOS, Android, and web platforms, an updated resource management system, support for Cocos2D-style sprite sheets or Texture Atlas pools, support for Sprite Kit and SceneKit physics, along with many other improvements.

#7 B4X

Open Source

B4X is a framework that facilitates the creation of native apps for Android or iOS. It implements the whole functionality without requiring you to code it, so you have more time to focus on what really matters, the core of your app. It contains a number of advanced features that allow developers to work much faster than if they were using traditional methods. With B4X, you can create new projects in a matter of minutes and with very few lines of code. All you’re required to do is add some metadata to your project, and you’ll be ready to start coding your application.”

B4X is a template-based and highly modular cross-platform framework providing a solid ground for native app development. The framework has been designed with the idea to make native app creation a fast, easy, and enjoyable experience. This is achieved by using the template-based approach and intuitive API. B4X uses templates to create apps and other components. Templates are sets of native UI elements like views, controllers with the data model, code, and other logic attached. Creating a new B4X app is as simple as selecting a template, setting some options like platform or package name, and then pressing the ‘Generate’ button.

#8 WaveEngine

Open Source

WaveEngine is the ready-to-use cross-platform mobile engine to unleash your games using C#. It’s the best choice for indie games developers in case they would like to focus on their game’s performance and don’t want to spend weeks and months learning how to use complex game engines. It makes developing games and porting them between platforms a breeze. All you have to do is pick a template for the game you want to build and start coding. Now you can easily port your WaveEngine games between various mobile platforms by just changing the target platform from Visual Studio.

WaveEngine is designed to unleash the C# skills of .NET developers and bring the power of Unity3D out of the browser and into your native game. It provides a complete 3D rendering pipeline, physics, particles, and a bunch of other features that would traditionally require costly engines. The entire engine is built around C3 and lets you run games with input, graphic, and audio systems. You can compile your game for iOS, Android, and Windows with the same code base.

#9 NetBeans

Open Source

NetBeans is one of the attractive open-source integrated development environments for application development on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris operating systems. It is much more than a text editor that highlights source code syntactically and semantically colors keywords, variables and their scopes, and other symbols in your code intelligently according to their usage; provides code intelligence tools that let you quickly navigate code structure, find usages, and fix bugs; allows you to compare different revisions of your code to each other, track down problems and quickly find changes across large codebases.

It highlights source code syntactically and semantically. It makes it easier to manage dependencies and implement multi-language coding. It includes a flexible plug-in framework that allows developers to enhance their development processes. And with the advent of their new C++ IDE, Cevelop, it is taking the next step in its evolution as an all-inclusive development platform. NetBeans has support for Java, C/C++, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, and many other languages. It’s the perfect solution for all of your programming needs.

#10 Kendo UI


Kendo UI is a comprehensive HTML5 user interface framework for building interactive and high-performance websites and applications. It allows developers to create highly responsive user experiences while taking advantage of the latest web standards. It captures attention and keeps visitors engaged with interactive widgets that connect your site with content from leading social media sites (Facebook), news, RSS feeds, and more. It facilitates you to create rock-solid web apps that perform across all major browsers with first-class support for touchscreens and mobile devices.

Kendo UI includes components for data visualization, charting, high-performance grid frameworks, animation, navigation, and more. The framework seamlessly integrates with existing web technologies such as CSS3, HTML5, and existing JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS or jQuery. It empowers developers to build rewarding web experiences faster with its rich feature set, integration with popular frameworks, powerful data visualization widgets, and seamless mobile support. Kendo UI ships with a large collection of pre-built UI components covering the user interface needs of most business applications. In addition to its selection of high-quality templates that cover a range of page layouts, it offers an extensive library of UI widgets ranging from time picker components to touch-friendly charts.

#11 Cevelop

Open Source

Cevelop is a one-stop download that includes all the plug-ins that you need to develop modern C++ code. This kit includes: a static analysis tool for C and C++ code, dependency management and analysis for code, checks the style of code, visualize the design of your code, visual studio plug-in for the development of modern C++ code, concurrency and parallelism library for C++11 and beyond, cross-platform IDE for the development of modern C++ code

The compiler, libraries, and tools are pre-configured to work together seamlessly, so you can create optimized C++ code without any configuration hassle. It supports the most popular development environments, including Visual Studio, Eclipse, Code, Blocks, Qt Creator, and Xcode. It highlights source code syntactically and semantically, providing a natural context for the code you edit. It is a powerful cross-platform development environment that allows you to create native apps for Android and iOS and is based on the latest versions of C + + standards.

#12 Onsen UI

Open Source

Onsen UI is an open-source UI framework and components for HTML5 hybrid mobile app development based on PhoneGap & Cordova. It includes several high-quality, hand-crafted UI components plus HTML5 mobile app theming capabilities allowing you to create mobile applications that look native on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. It enables the development of HTML5 hybrid apps using only web technologies CSS, JavaScript, Less, and Sass.

It is designed from the ground up to work with modern WebKit and Blink-based browsers. The development system is designed to create high-performance, scalable applications on mobile devices based on the C++ programming language. The project’s main goal is to provide a robust toolset that allows developers to write native applications for Android and iOS using the C++ programming language. On top of that, it provides a set of basic components for application development.

#13 Uno Platform

Open Source

Uno Platform is one of the stunning platforms that enables you to create progressive web applications and hybrid apps in no time. It contains a number of advanced features that allow developers to work much faster than if they were using traditional methods. The interesting function of this platform includes it allows customers to share their CI builds with others, building code, running tests, and sending reports.

It works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source. It also supports the creation of mobile web applications developed with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The ecosystem surrounding the platform is supported by developers familiar with Java and C++ and provides a Java API alternative for developing native apps.Other function of this platform includes including a new C++ backend, making it even easier to build 2D and 3D games with native performance in modern C++.

#14 Framework7

Open Source

Framework7 provides developers with a cross-platform C++ mobile development framework that simplifies the development of multi-device applications. It has the ability to support several commonly used device types in one application, allowing users to connect their PC or laptop to the various devices through a single portal. It comes with two prototypes: music playlist creator and game asteroid player.

Both prototypes allow the user to drag and drop songs into a playlist, browse songs from the local storage or import them from an online music library.Both prototypes can run games on several devices at the same time, which makes it possible to play multiple games simultaneously on different devices. In addition, both prototypes are platform-independent and available for multiple platforms.