
Open Source

Stats Alternatives


#1 CPU-Z


CPU-Z is a device’s components monitoring tool that allows users to check the complete properties of Windows and Android systems like CPU, RAM, motherboard chip-set, Graphics, and many more. The lightweight application is designed according to the well-integrated command that provides the complete report about the latest status and position of the internal specifications. Some of the prominent options are the following chip name, architecture, clock speed, brand & model, screen resolution, storage, battery level, temperature, Sensors, and several others.

Online accreditation is required to confirm the basic repositories of the gadget in a database via URL and email-based approval for continuing the detections. The program has been developed with advanced techniques and by experts whose main objective is to add features and physical properties in order to create the best possible CPU monitoring tool. At the moment, thousands of hardware reviewers and personal users are worlds widely using the utility to verify the hardware specifications of both Desktop and Mobile systems.

#2 CPU Info

Open Source

CPU Info is a device monitoring tool that enables you to check the various properties of the system like processing unit, GPU, RAM, storage state, Sensors data, Battery status, audio card details, and several others easily. It is a powerful utility that provides comprehensive display metrics and other Android OS information to one platform efficiently. The app provides the detailed orientation of Wi-Fi & Bluetooth mac addresses (on older Androids) that ensures the connectivity and adjacent parts’ interrelations with each other.

You can get the audio card info by extracting the elements from native libraries used in other applications, and the storage includes the following details: internal, external, and SD card. On top of that, you will find several details regarding the hardware and its components, like screen resolutions and apparently visible icons beside the internal specifications.

#3 SIW


SIW provides the complete detecting report of the desktop system by getting details from various components like hardware, network, CPU, storage, networks, configurations, and many others. It is a valuable and helpful application for system administrators and software developers that try to troubleshoot their network that detect the overall maintenance of the entire system. SIW is a lightweight projecting software that provides the complete detecting report of the desktop system by getting details from various components like hardware, network, central processing details, storage, networks, configurations, and many others.

It is a key module that doesn’t only sort out the issues but also traces the problems related to key system components and identifies the error codes by scanning the temporary issues and specifications of the system. It is completely free, and you have no need to install any other tools or applications to check your system information as an additional plugin and repository. Moreover, the users can find the troubleshooting easily, and data can be exported or exchanged via various files format.

#4 Eul

Open Source

Eul is a device detecting utility that enables you to monitor the various details to the centralized place like storage, RAM, battery status, configurations, and many more. The tool helps operators sort out the operational specifications, such as OS, CPU, disk space, disk space usage, network interface, network connection type, battery status, battery health and temperature, network speed, RAM usage, and several others to describe the latest status.

The module establishes its link with the other parts of the device for finding both internally or externally specifications like a server or agent running on the device, which needs to be monitored. The module is based on the basic principles as a device detecting utility that enables you to monitor the various details to the centralized place without any penetration and complex descriptions.

#5 RWEverything


RWEverything is an effective tool that fetches the internal specifications of the devices easily like storage, RAM, CPU, GPU, memory, hardware, and others. One of the best parts of this tool is that it supports all kinds of hardware and software, and there is no need to add any additional plugin or repository to get work done. The program is highly effective and efficient that can easily fetch information about the core files and system processes very quickly, and developers can modify the plugins on customized needs.

It creates a detailed report in standard document formats that can be exported easily and provides a tabulated view of all the details of the device comprehensively. The utility comes with a command-line interface so that it will be easy to use for developers as well as for self-help users to check the latest and ongoing features.

#6 AgaueEye


AgaueEye is a device monitoring tool that enables the users to detect the complete processing functionality of the gadgets easily by checking the CPU, Graphics, GPU, RAM, and other details comprehensively. The main & foremost purpose of developing the module is to elaborate the basic specifications of the device so that the users can understand the latest status and projections easily. It is free of cost program that visualizes the real-time internal database with indicators and navigation components effectively.

The utility supports the in-game overlay for various games and contexts that helps users sort out the basic compatibility of the programs for checking the clear inspections and performance. The tool delivers clear reports and monitory insights for the viewers where they can engage with the performance of different components and parts like speedometer, central processing functionalities, random access memory, cache, configurations, and various others with percentage vise results.

#7 EtreCheck


EtreCheck is an ideal utility for checking the configurations and other connectivity of the device with internal processing systems like CPU, GPU, memory, power, and others with comprehensive output and results. It is a simple yet effective tool that displays the position and latest status of all the parts of the Mac easily with the form of diagrams and percentage-based colorful shapes. The users can check the boot drives and storage of the system instantly and download the tool for functioning as a default modification to the system.

After checking the updated properties, you can make personalize and improve specifications according to the best of your interest and requirements. The software is developed with the projections of indicating gadgets that are used to monitor the system with in-depth analysis, and all the possible results are shown before the operator like disk orientation, text size, core storage, SSD, startup, and many more as the smart report.

#8 Speccy


Speccy is an effective tool for the PC that helps you monitor the complete projections of the device like memory, RAM, processors, graphics card, audio, and other configurations via the dashboard or centralized interface. It is an ideal utility where you can find the information of processing units and display so that you can improve the functionality by removing the extra components with a specific time of interval according to the demand of storage and ongoing operating commands.

Usually, the users have trouble and time taking efficacy while checking the properties of the device with simple and traditional systems, but they can get all-in-one information easily without wasting precious time. The users can detect the hardware as well as software to check the following details, such as hard drive size & speed, amount of memory (RAM), processor model, and many more.

#9 SiSoftware Sandra


SiSoftware Sandra is a diagnosing utility that allows Windows operators to check the internal commands and specifications of the system like storage, benchmarking, installed domains, remote network, configuration, hardware, and many more. It has been developed with powerful processing units and algorithms that track the remote access and installations with fast efficacy where all the info is fetched and presented with a single interface.

If there is a need to fix any issue with the device, then users can instantly improve the projections by tracking the latest status and interconnectivity as an indicatory tool. There are multiple options and choices available for the operators, and they can check the following details: cryptography, arithmetic processor, multi-core efficiency, power management, removable storage, file systems, optical drives, and many more besides the actual program.

#10 Systempal


Systempal is an all-in-one Mac utility that provides detailed reports and analysis of the device by displaying the information of various components effectively like CPU with its latest conditions like temperature and processing speed, and memory cleaning, disk status, and many more. It is embedded with multiple valuable utilities like screenshot capturing, music player, memory cleaner, and display of status bar with direct visualizations. It is a very convenient and fast processing functionality that analyses the details and database quickly and provides the configurations of various components in a couple of seconds.

The users can tap to the cleaning memory option for instant removal of the spare space, and the music player provides control over iTunes to track the songs effectively by extracting them from the library besides the status bar. With a percentage vise chart structure, the users can analyze the total space occupation by tracking the multiple core processors easily, and the memory is cleaned with a specific time. The users can save the screenshots to the clipboard as a temporary command and can read the title bar of the songs easily beside the lyrics reading and feedback options as an additional efficacy.

#11 CrystalCPUID


CrystalCPUID is a powerful monitoring utility that allows users to check the various components of the system effectively like multi-processors, cache, system clock, RAM, threshold, and many more with clear insights and the latest status. The module provides extensive common information about different components of the system along with their configuration. The users can monitor the processor speed and frequency, memory size, RAM quantity and type, CPU cache information, core ID, capabilities, and several other specifications.

The tool is based on the basic theme of a wide range of utilization, including updating, upgrading, and maintenance, and several others to make the system as best diagnostic tools that can be obtained for free. It demonstrates the detailed information in a variety of ways that enable users to evaluate the overall health of the system for analyzing the apparent database besides the disk and drive-based items.

#12 ASTRA32


ASTRA32 is an ultimate utility for getting the detailed information of the system like CPU, disk drives, processing speed and functionality, storage, configuration, and several others. It provides you the PC performance data in a very good and friendly interface that includes a range of capacities including laptops, desktops, and server computers, to extract the data effectively.

It is a lightweight and small space occupying module that has been created as an advanced system tool for sorting out the various problems and issues occurring. The program cannot only improve troubleshoot of your computer issues but also speeds up your slow device with better configurations and integrations with other components. The product is based on a broad range of information technology that includes installing, uninstalling & upgrading software, and other requirements for checking the overall performance with ease.

#13 Gatotray

Open Source

Gatotray is a lightweight utility that provides the complete detecting specifications of the device, such as CPU, frequency, temperature, processing speed, and others, to monitor the latest status and fix the issues. It is an intuitive interface-based utility that makes use of the very well-known CPU-Z tool by providing the feature to detect non-supported devices effectively.

The following system conditions can be detected: CPU specification, CPU frequency, CPU cores information, Boot information, Device temperature, Battery level, Network, Device manufacturing, Device ID (PID) number, and others. The program delivers up-to-date information with beautiful themes that are helpful and valuable for understanding the several projections and connections easily. The users can monitor the device better by providing useful information such as temperature, CPU frequency, and others that can be customized from multiple settings and management plans.

#14 WinAudit

Open Source

WinAudit is a comprehensive Windows analyzing program that provides a highly compiled overview of the device by declaring the configurations, software, external projections via hardware, and others. It is free and open-source functionality and can be modified according to personalize or compatible needs recommended by developers to improve the experience more efficiently.

The program can be beneficial for the various departments for checking the diverse database and information, such as armed services, electricity generators, police forces, defense forces, academia security experts, and other IT specialists. It is an easy-to-use functionality that would not need any additional plugin to set up, and the info can be saved to the CSV, RTF, HTML, and others. The program is used by the large sector institutes and organizations to get the complete review of the device for improving the projections according to the best of operators’ experience.

#15 HWiNFO


HWiNFO is an advanced system diagnosing platform that helps you check the external or internal specifications of the device with complete reports and overviews. It provides a professional interface that is simple and intuitive and delivers a comprehensive analysis to deliver the projection of hardware and software. The module provides different types of reports for elaborating the system, like login and another status.

If there is any issue and systematic error that is hard to find by the user and creating the problem in running various functions effectively, then the complete package is available for the users where they can improvise effectively. The tool provides an instant and in-depth overview by unfolding into the depth of all hardware components and plugins effectively. All the results are extracted with complete customizations and accurateness through a standard technology.