SwaRaj Kriya


SwaRaj Kriya Alternatives


#1 JustServe


JustServe provides its exclusive users to get main features and functionalities of JustServe.org to help you discover opportunities for volunteers while on the move. JustServe is a significant platform presented in the market by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Inc. that makes it effortless to get volunteer opportunities whenever, whenever.

You can intuitively search for opportunities based on your current location, your account location, and even by an inputted location. The app also brings volunteer opportunities through which you can effortlessly add opportunities and locations to the calendar and maps of the devices. You can download the JustServe app over your android cell phones and tablets to have real service whenever you want.

#2 Engagefully


Engagefully is a year-round event and engagement app designed to deliver relevant and personal content, enable a direct line of communication, facilitate action and networking, and start amplifying your event experience in a way like never before. Engagefully is a sleekly designed app presented in the market by Results Direct Inc. It supports syncing across multiple devices just to let you view your selections across tablets and smartphones.

You can intuitively access member benefits, all the events, resources, and latest news whenever necessary. Engagefully app enables you to manage the logos, icons, features, colors, and menu text of the app to meet your specific needs. You can control all the content and branding via the web portal, complete with tutorials and marketing resources. Engagefully app features an amazing timeline, schedule or agenda, directory, custom menu items, sponsors, or exhibitors, connections, and more.

#3 Life @ Loras


Life @ Loras is highly informative and exclusive assistance that helps you stay connected to all the stuff happening in Loras College. Life @ Loras is a fine app presented in the market by MobileUp SoftwarInc. It provides the most authentic and sleek details, the latest details on campus-wide events, discover a leadership opportunity, and more.

The app brings the options of home panel, login, sign up, student organizations, events, activities, important updates, campus map, checklist, and various other options whenever necessary. The app enables students to join events like family weekend, homecoming, spring fast, and others. Life @ Loras app provides current parent and students information about Loras College activities, resources, events, and your cell phones and tablets.

#4 LionsBase


LionsBase app allows its global users to access a handy and excellent access to your calendar to the directory of members over the platforms and other information of your Lions Clubs. LionsBase: Your Lions Club on the go is an exceptional platform presented in the market by Casual Sarl Inc. that helps you get plenty of amazing functionality after getting your LionsBase credentials.

The app lets you search within the directory of members, show a personal calendar, manage all the social activities and news from districts, clubs, and more. The app also provides personal information from all other members, including the lion organization, email address, phone numbers, and various other stuff right over your cell phones.

#5 KU Alumni Association


KU Alumni Association enables its global users to get instant updates and Keeps the entire KU (University of Kansas) in the palm of your hands. KU Alumni Association is a sleek platform developed in the market by MobileUP software Inc. where you can access plenty of data regarding the university and manage everything with ease.

The app brings the functionalities of the Home button, registration, volunteer, contact the US, Board of Directors, Benefits, Networks, Campus Map, Board of Directories, Adams Alumni Center, and various other options right over your cell phones and tablets. KU Alumni Association lets you get instant updates of all the data, latest news, events in your area, and more with ease. You can get association members to access digital membership card, exclusive content, members-only discounts, and more.