Vsco.co is a place for professionals and the individuals who are into editing images and getting the best form of a picture. The platform even exists as the standard editing software and mostly used by people on their phones, but the website itself contains several options that people may want to enjoy. The editing interface is entirely feasible for individuals who want to make use and therefore allow several changes in the original picture such as changing the brightness, changing the tinge, adding a new filter, cropping the image, removing blemishes, adding glow, and many other things that should stay part of any leading platform. VSCO does compete with Instagram and Flickr in a way that most of the content here is authentic, but the reason it does not gain much fame is that it has not branded itself as a social network. By staying professional, it has a devoted fan base but could do a lot more with few changes.
123RF.com is a platform that provides people with the option of earning some money by sharing their stuff with others. The website prides itself on providing the best content when it comes to stock photos, vectors, royalty-free images, and audio and video clips. The process to become its users is simple, create an account by entering a few details, then upload an image, enter the prices they want, and then share it with others.
All the pictures uploaded on the platform are secured with a watermark until someone pays for it to get a high-resolution picture without a watermark. Then the pictures can be used on various platforms such as blogs, websites, posters, and articles without any legal constraint. The user interface is so colorful, eye-catching, smooth, and simple to provide its user with an enhanced and complex-free experience.
Instagram.com is the leader when it comes to sharing images with friends and others and that too with a range of options that are part of the package. Although it only started as a mobile application now, it has made a name for itself even on the web since the recent updates allow people to like and comment on images without having to access their phones. What makes this platform, even more, fun for people is the fact that they can interact with each other, share happy moments of their lives, tag each other and befriend. It has, therefore, become a social network that not only lets people upload images but also allows them to message each other, send pictures privately, time stamping and now even the live activity section. Ever since the emergence of snap chat, it has made few changes that allow people to share their story with others that disappear after twenty-four hours. All in all, Instagram is the best place to share your pictures and save your memories for a later time.
Yahoo started Flickr.com and at one time seemed to be the only one of its type. But it lagged because of the non-activity and many other platforms emerged in the last decade to put it way back in the list. If someone wants to view images with quality and proper copyrights then even now Flickr does not have any match, but the thing is that no updates have taken place, nothing new added to make it better and the same interface that existed on day one is part of the website now. The layout of Flickr site is the best among the competitors. Individuals get to search for an image through the search option, it then displays the results based on the appropriateness, relevance and other criteria. The images can then get arranged based on their sizes, colors, the shapes even along with the material that has copyrights or free to use for everyone. People who are seriously into photography still use it as the primary source.
ShutterStock.com is a place for people who want to spend some money if they are to buy an image or want to earn it. The process is simple, a user creates an account, then enter their details and create a profile. Then the option of becoming a contributor exists for persons who want to share their images. When someone searches for the duplicate, Shutter Stock does show in the search results on various engines, but all have a watermark of the website. If they wish to buy something here, then the user gets to pay, some of the revenue goes to the website and the rest, to the person who uploaded the image. It also contains some other things such as videos, images, music tracks and other audio functions and a total collection of 125 million items that are helpful for people who want to enjoy the exclusive content. Overall, Shutter Stock is a place with authentic content but does not have much free content.
DeviantArt is a photography-sharing platform that provides you with something more than just the usual uploading. It is a forum where people can draw content online. Here, many computer graphic editors and photo tools are available that helps individuals to create the best possible drawing. It does not focus much on sharing images, but only the drawings and that is why DeviantArt did not get much fame in the trending categories. People who are serious about their work or professionals who want to make a name for themselves get it in the first instance.
This platform offers you a variety of fonts that are quite handy for both commercial and personal use. It is not only popular for fonts, but also for photography, artisan crafts, motion books, literature and so much more of everyone’s interest. Fonts are free for downloading on deviant art, Wixx.com recently purchased the site and now rebranded it, and therefore it has gained some momentum. Overall, it contains enough features for the ones who want to make use of tools and come up with artwork such as pictures and videos with a little twist.
iStockPhoto.com is one of the biggest image providing platforms in the world. The main drawback of this website is the user interface and lack of any mobile version that decrease its audience. A person sometimes finds it difficult to navigate from one option to the other and require proper understanding to get the job done. Another interesting thing about the website is that iStockPhoto contains several properties that save the image from getting used at places where a person does not want. Anyone who uploads the picture gets exclusive rights over it and maintains them unless someone wants to pay a number of asks for permission. The thing that makes I Stock Photo worthwhile is that the prices are standard, people will see a mark on the picture whenever they search for the keyword which is removed as soon as they purchase it. All in all, an excellent choice for vector and illustrations that too without having to struggle.
WeHeartIt.com came as a competitor of Instagram but has lagged since it was unable to gain the imagination of users. The interface was not that great on the website which made it difficult for people to get used. The mobile applications were way better and provided all the features in such a way that it mirrored other leading platforms. Call it bad marketing but it never actually started as a competitor. The options and usage are simple, anyone who creates an account gets to upload images, share them with friends, and then use WeHeartIt for other purposes. Anyone who sees likes the image and has the option of sharing it with their friends on various social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. A few changes here and there can keep it relevant mainly because We Heart It does not cost anything to use. Also, it has content that does not belong to any other site and stays on the platform as long as someone wants.
PhotoBucket.com may seem like a place that is just as big as a bucket, but it contains the largest database of images when it comes to online networking. Around 15 billion images are part of the system that provides people with the option of sharing their content, getting money through it, and even getting content based on their choice. The website is sleek where the primary option of searching for the image stays on the homepage, people just enter the keyword they require, and PhotoBucket opens hundreds of selections based on that word.
Perhaps the only bad and good thing is that people cannot download an image without creating an account, few are available for free, while others require payment. Another option of linking your account with a social network also makes it another feature that provides safety. All in all, from recent images to the latest and high-definition quality products it has a lot to offer for people who want to utilize this site.
Google Photos has been part of the Google platform for a while now, but it did not become relevant until recently when the new changes took place, and Picasa was removed from the editing version, and Google Photos took over. It does not contain that many options that other places have, especially when it comes to editing the images, but the basic platform remains the same where people can quickly add brightness, crop an image, change sizes and even add a few filters in pictures. The standout thing still is that it has an audience that gets to view the photos. Many people are part of the platform that does not use it as an alternative website but still gains some experience by just browsing through it. The website version is just as useful as the phone where people can upload their images, edit them and then share it with others for viewing. All in all, a new website that still needs some time to become relevant.
Fotki.com is a picture-sharing tool. It renders a superior service for sharing and printing images in a convenient way of sharing pics with friends and family. You can register yourself there for free of cost. There are no privacy concerns as they don’t require personal or sensitive information for registration. It offers you a smooth and complex free operation with its simple and user-friendly interface. You can also access this forum from your smartphone, Android and iOS apps are also available.
Some of the main features include its section where people share their images, there is My Album section that contains the list of images shared by you. You can search your desirous category as well from its search bar. All the profiles on this forum are real and contain unique identities as names and profile pictures so that people can distinguish and follow them. The exciting features remain the contests where people can participate in various activities and even win some prizes.
Imgur.com is one of the biggest websites of images, GIFs, and memes. It is perfectly organized when it comes to content and categories. Registration is needed for uploading the content on the platform. All the content present there is uploaded by the users and it is copyrighted so if any other user wants to use that content then that user has to take permission from the author. Privacy is top-notched as this platform does not require any personal information for registration.
This forum comes with an amazing, eye-catching, and user-friendly interface for a smooth, simple, and enhanced experience. It also offers its Android and iOS apps that can be easily downloaded from the respective stores. Some features are free for use but premium features require some nominal charges. Apps are also so lightweight that no phone will hang or stuck. So visit its website and download the application to make your life colorful with the colors it renders.
ThisLife.com is a subsidiary of Shutterfly that allows people to share their pictures and also interact with others through a small platform that is slowly making its mark. They need to enter a few details, then upload an image, enter the prices they want, and then share it with others. The thing that makes this application worthwhile is that the prices are standard, people will see a mark on the picture whenever they search for the keyword which is removed as soon as they purchase it.
Anyone who sees likes the image and has the option of sharing it with their friends on various social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps the only bad and good thing is that people cannot download an image without creating an account, few are available for free, while others require payment. This Life can still make its mark if a few changes are made, therefore remains a choice.
TinyPic.com is perhaps the simplest way of sharing your pictures with others. It does not require people to make an account, and just upload photos from the homepage. Not just images, but now people also get to share their videos and that too either by uploading or through links. If someone wants to create their profile, they can do so by entering their name, username, password, and email address and then keep track of all the pictures they have shared or view the content by others. To see the images from other people, the user must have an account that is active and logged in. Anyone can add the pics in their favorite section to view later but also has category based options where everyone searches for the image. TinyPic also has also had some other features that are useful for people, but it does not have a proper interface that attracts people. All in all, a good choice but may need some rebranding.
PostImage.org is a place for free images and hosting platform that comes with several integrations and forums and therefore makes PostImage’s relevance as a top website. The layout of the site is the best among the competitors. Individuals get to search for an image through the search option. These pics can get used on various platforms such as blogs, websites, posters, and articles and therefore provide options of elusiveness that are not part of other sites. The process is simple, a user creates an account, then enter their details and create a profile on Post Image. Then the option of becoming a contributor exists for persons who want to share their images. Individuals who are serious about their work or professionals who want to make a name for themselves get the best out of it. Overall, Post Image Org is a useful choice for people who are interested in sharing their work with others on the internet.
500PX.com is a small network that but exists as a premium photography community that contains several images from famous photographers. The process is same as most others, once a person makes an account, which is a compulsion. They need to enter a few details, then upload an image, enter the prices they want and then share it with others. The editing interface is entirely feasible for people who want to make use and therefore allow several changes in the original picture. A person sometimes finds it difficult to navigate from one option to the other on 500 PX and require proper understanding to get the job done. The options and usage are simple, anyone who creates an account gets to upload images, share them with friends, and then use it for other purposes. All in all, the 500PX website provides several options that are useful but can do a lot more if it introduces the mobile application and becomes a social network.
SmugMug.com allows people to share their videos and images with others by creating their pages on the platform along with many options. If they wish to buy something here, then the user gets to pay, some of the revenue goes to the website and the rest, to the person who uploaded the image. Several computer graphics, editors, and photo tools were existent that helped individuals come up with the best possible drawing. They need to enter a few details, then upload an image, enter the prices they want and then share it with others. Many people are part of the platform that does not use SmugMug as an alternative website but still gains some experience by just browsing through it. To see the images from other people, the user must have an account that is active and logged in. All in all, Smug Mug is an excellent alternative for the most common platforms in this category.
PBase.com is the only social network that does not allow its users to share images and other services for free. It always charges some amount and therefore lags in the list of top image sharers. What makes this platform, even more, fun for people is the fact that they can interact with each other. Individuals get to search for a picture through the search option, it then displays the results based on the appropriateness, relevance, and other criteria.
The options and usage are simple, anyone who creates an account gets to upload images, share them with friends, and then use PBase for other purposes. The platform even exists as the standard editing software and is mostly used by people on their phones, but the website itself contains several options that people may want to enjoy. Another thing that makes P Base useful is that people can also promote their businesses here since they are paying money.