

WeatherBug Alternatives


#1 AccuWeather


AccuWeather is an application that helps you to know the climate figure of your territory in a matter of seconds. You can see the temperature, moistness, permeability, the wind, hour of the dawn and the nightfall. The main thing you need to do to get this data is to enter your area physically in the gadget, or just let it perceive your whereabouts utilizing the GPS. The best thing about AccuWeather is that when you slide your finger along the screen, you will see the accurate temperature and wind there will be amid the different hours of the day. That way you can abstain from something as normal as escaping the house wearing a shirt to acknowledge later that it’s frosty and sprinkling. Obviously, you can likewise see the estimate for the next days on another tab and even counsel Google Maps. You additionally have the likelihood to watch everyday recordings with the climate conjecture for all of Europe. AccuWeather is the most finish application for climate theory you can discover for smartphone devices. It doesn’t just offer everything you can require, additionally does it from an unmistakable and agreeable interface.

#2 GO Weather Forecast & Widgets


GO Weather Forecast and Widgets is a climate gauging application with meteorological information for more than 100,000 areas over the world. Utilizing GO Weather Forecast and Widgets is exceptionally essential. The application will consequently perceive the city where you are and set it as your default. In any case, you can pick the same number of urban communities as you like and store them in a rundown of top picks. When it’s set up, you can move between them with only a swipe to either side. The primary thing GO Weather Forecast and Widgets demonstrates you is the present climate (downpour, the sun, haze, and so on.) and temperature. Just swipe down to see more data for every city, similar to wind speed, the temperature for the duration of the day, stickiness, permeability, and so forth. GO Weather Forecast and Weather Widgets is a great application that has heaps of data, as well as a delightful interface. It’s decent to see the climate data exhibited in such a rich format.

#3 The Weather Channel


The Weather Channel is an American-based satellite system and the supplier of nearby and national climate estimate. The Weather Channel gives the now to month end climate figure, climate radar, report and even the tropical storm scope too. In the illustration territory of The Weather Channel, there are the administrations like today’s estimate, national conjecture, severe tempest gauge, suburbanite gauge, cultivating value, sensitivity tracker, wellbeing and readiness, extreme climate, and cautions. At that point there is the guide area of the that contains the data about climate radar maps, weather in movement, provincial satellite, high climate maps, drive radar guide and report and recuperates. To put it plainly, The Weather Channel is that level of climate data giving site that provides more than essentially telling about the progressing temperature in a particular district. The route for seeking is exceptionally simple that begin from giving the city, zip or put and receiving the point by point report consequently fit as a fiddle of the day, temperature, depiction, precip, the wind, and dampness. From now to try and weekend, give the same level of definite data to its guests.

#4 The Weather Network


The Weather Network is the stable hotspot for getting the today to month end point by point climate state of wherever from neighborhood to the global level. The Weather Network is the wellspring of data for the majority of the climate gauging TV channels. At the online environment anticipating administration of, you will dependably locate the reliable, most exact, and current climate estimate and conditions for any area you need. With the primary accentuation on the huge number of advanced stages (from easy to use the web interface to the application for cell phones), The Weather Network is said to be the most precise stage for getting the climate states in any nation immediately. What makes The Weather Network unique one is essentially conveying more than climate conditions as it were? In the wake of selecting the fancied area, the guests of can advance channel in the segments of past and conjecture, interstate gauge, Thruway conditions, activity stream, movement cameras, satellite, radar, alarms, lighting, current climate, US parkway conditions, wind framework, climate framework, recognitions, and a great deal more. The Weather Network is the best wellspring of data for getting top to bottom report.

#5 Weather Base


Weather Base is a month to month climate forecaster of a vast number of urban communities. It conveys the climate figure in a one of a kind style by offering the climate condition fit as a fiddle of whether records, midpoints, climatology and valid climate data of a vast number of urban communities of the world. is best for visitor and voyagers who need to think about the climate states of the particular territories where they need to travel. Weather Base gives the climate conditions and temperature of a vast number of nearby and worldwide areas. It is a robust and clergyman one source to think about travel environment, conjectures, atmosphere midpoints, and current conditions. Primarily utilize the hunt box of the Weather Base or the guide gave by the Weather Base to scan for the wanted areas. Weather Base offers certainties and measurements including the populace, kiblah, organizes, postcode, area, webcams and a great deal more. The guests of Weather Base can likewise discover positioned arrangements of the biggest urban communities on the planet by state, nation, and landmass. Weather Base is one of the best wellsprings of data for easygoing and expert clients.

#6 Yahoo Weather


Yahoo Weather is the official climate application from Yahoo, which permits you to rapidly get to the majority of the meteorological data for your geographic area. The fundamental default screen of Yahoo Weather relates to your present area. In any case, you can likewise rapidly arrange the rundown of urban areas where you need to see the climate, selecting from many places just by writing their names or entering their ZIP codes. The best thing about Yahoo Weather is that it is exceptionally visual and natural. At whatever point conceivable, the application demonstrates to you a photograph of the city where you are which pretty much mirrors the climate around then. In this way, on the off chance that you are in Madrid, and it’s overcast, you will see a photograph of Madrid on a shady day. Keeping in mind the end goal to get to whatever is left of the point by point data about the neighborhood climate; you simply need to slide your finger up the screen. You can see the expectation for the following couple of hours, the wind, and bunches of different insights about the climate. Yahoo Weather is one of the best climate applications accessible. It not just gives you a chance to keep focused on the weather conditions whenever, yet it likewise permits you to do as such in an alluring, instinctive way.

#7 1Weather


Both iOS and Android, with their various customization alternatives, incorporate of course their particular climate applications where you can counsel fundamental climate news. Be that as it may, if you need to get more point by point data you can make utilization of 1Weather, one of the best applications of its kind. This is a free application whose lone impediment is that it incorporates coordinated promotions in its interface, despite the fact that they aren’t unpleasantly irritating, and regardless you can pay a little more than a dollar to deactivate them on the off chance that you favor. At the stylish level, it’s very alluring and is composed all around ok to abstain from looking excessively jumbled. The 1Weather begin menu will demonstrate to you the fundamental meteorological information of wherever you happen to be found (on the off chance that you permit Geolocation administrations from your gadget, apparently), with a coordinating screen foundation that progressions hues are relying upon the climate. From this screen, you can search through alternate areas either by on a level plane sliding the screen or by tapping on the symbols on the lower route bar. This permits you to see a numerous day figure with a short depiction in your own dialect (the project is accessible in more than 20 languages), an assessment of the possibility of downpour and massive temperature changes, a realistic with the precipitation lists for every day, a climate satellite picture superimposed on the Google Maps API, and even the sun based and lunar cycles that you’re at present in. As though that weren’t sufficient, you can spare a rundown of your most loved areas in the event that you’d like to altogether counsel the climate in different spots, and there are additionally a couple of outside devices, for example, the alternative to for all time show the present temperature on the upper notices bar on your Android, or to include one of the 1Weather’s numerous gadgets to your desktop with various looks and data pieces.

#8 WeatherSpark

WeatherSpark is an online climate forecaster teller that shows the weather condition in delightful maps and graphical framework. has made the way toward getting the top to bottom weather data simple and available. The different nature of WeatherSpark is that it even gives the mood state of any area for even a year also. Right in the hunt bar of WeatherSpark the clients in the wake of giving the area are required to choose from figure, dashboard, midpoints and history. That implies the climate conditions will be given to you in various zones. There is an expert level of the panel from where you can investigate an intuitive guide with the present conditions. The smooth radar playback arrangement of WeatherSpark will permit you to get the temperature of most recent two hours or even any time of most recent five years. The five years framework is for the United States as it were. The guests of WeatherSpark can likewise think about the climate crosswise over areas for at whatever period too. WeatherSpark is not for giving the weather conditions as it were. It is brimming with different other intrigued data also.

#9 Bright Weather


Bright Weather is an application that permits you to see the greater part of the climate data identified with your range on the screen of your Android gadget, introduced in a stunning, exquisite manner. Of course, the primary screen of Bright Weather will demonstrate the city where you are situated at the time; however, you can likewise design the application with the goal that it explains to you any city you’d like. One of Bright Weather’s qualities is that it is extremely visual and instinctive. At whatever point conceivable, the application will demonstrate to you a photograph of the city where you are that compares to the rough climate conditions around then. With a specific end goal to get to whatever is left of the nitty gritty data about the nearby weather, you simply need to slide your finger up the screen. You can see the estimate for the following couple of hours, the wind, and numerous different insights about the climate. Brilliant Weather is one of the best climate applications that you can discover. It permits you to have all the data that you require about the environment accessible whenever on your Android gadget.

#10 MSN Weather – Forecast and Maps


MSN Weather – Forecast and Maps is an application that gives you climate data about any city on the planet. When you begin the application surprisingly, you can pick which city you need to get a gauge for, which you can change at a later time if you so pick. In the settings (which aren’t that numerous) you can switch between Celsius and Kelvin. Sadly, there aren’t multiple different elements. You can pick the city you need to set as default, furthermore make MSN Weather – Forecast and Maps utilize your gadget’s limitation highlight to show you data about the city you are in. From the principle tab, you can investigate the day’s temperature, and check the downpour map, and also the estimate for the next days. On the news tab, you can read about news happening in your district. MSN Weather – Forecast and Maps is a decent climate application. It offers a generous measure of data; it has an excellent interface, and it doesn’t consume much room on your gadget’s memory.

#11 Sasha Weather FREE


Sasha Weather FREE is a device that furnishes you with the convenient alternative to checking the climate and gives you access to a large measure of accurate data on climate gauges for your city, or anyplace! With only a quick take a gander at your screen, you’ll know precisely what the climate will resemble that day without going to the additional inconvenience of opening up an extra menu. This apparatus fills you in regarding whether it’s raining this evening even before you go out. It’ll let you know how hot it will be or on the off chance that you’ll be requiring an umbrella or an extra sweater, for instance. This application interface is truly basic. Initially, you’ll see current temperatures and also saw temperature alongside an entire rundown of climate gauges during the current week and next, and the highs and lows for every day. On the off chance that you ever needed to know more about climate gauging in your general vicinity with a specific end goal to better plan for the day in front of you, look no more remote than Sasha Weather FREE. With only a tap you’ll be consequently taken to a diagram that shows you an hour on the hour temperature estimates, anticipated precipitation, and different subtle elements like stickiness, wind velocity and that’s just the beginning. On account of this application, you’ll be aware of present circumstances direct on any climate design coming your way in your home city or anyplace else on the planet.

#12 Amber Weather


At times names can swindle. On account of Amber Weather Widget, this application is far beyond only a gadget. It’s an undeniable assault on all things climate. Definitely, beyond any doubt, there are a couple of devices that join the party. In any case, the good force demonstrates when you click that device on your home screen and bring the application full screen. On the off chance that you are searching for a profoundly flexible, precise and out and out excellent climate application, this is the one. A portion of the menu things are not portrayed exceptionally well, and the membership based application buy made me delay to pay for it. That being said, this is a great app and you ought to try it out. You can discover Amber Weather Widget for nothing with an in-application buy of $5.99 yearly or $1.99 a month to month that will expel advertisements and offers access to every paid subject. Golden Weather gives pinpoint climate data and 7×24 gauges for clients to better arrangement a day. Provide climate gadgets, warnings and live backdrops in various styles and subjects. There must be one fulfilling your customization need! Taking into account nearby weather conditions, Amber Weather gives climate tips in a straightforward and enlightening environment card for you to better arrangement everyday schedules and ventures.