



If you are tired of using search engines because of getting too many or irrelevant answers, then simply move to this site, where you can find the answer to most of your issues. This site is one the unique level of websites that you can say is the sophisticated version of Google that contains the information more sophisticatedly. All you are required to provide your question in the search bar of or explore through the categories available at this site for the same purpose. That is the level of working of this website to make its visitors able to get reliable and to-the-point answers to their unsolved questions.

The main categories at this site in which you can find the answers are animal life, business & finance, lifestyle, tech, food, health, politics, money, sports, interviews, and much more. Whether it is about knowing the difference between two terms or finding the answer to any general knowledge question, this site will always be there to assist you with comprehensive answers. It is a user-contributed platform, and you can also participate in its activities by submitting the answer to any issue if you know. You can also submit your question by first choosing the category.

#2 is a web-based knowledge exchanging platform being regulated by the Yahoo. It is basically the community-based platform where the registered members of the assist in each other in finding the solution of their answers. All topics at have been nicely covered by the It is an online platform where you can find the answer to anything. Instead of Yahoo itself, you will be answered by the community of the You can also take part in this by simply creating an account with the and after that, you can submit your own query and can take part in the discussion of others as well. In order to join the knowledge exchange system of, you are required to provide the best stuff. It is important for you to ask clearly and categorize the issues correctly. Those who actively take part in the discussion, award them with points. Those with high points or scores then appeared in the leaderboard. Misuse of answers, cheating, using abusive language and violating the law is not permissible in any case. In order to ask the question, you are first required to select the appropriate category so that other find it clearly and then submit your question.

#3 is the solution of the search engines when it comes to finding the best answer to any question. This domain is specified for the question and answer system. By joining the knowledge sharing portal of you can also take part in the questioning and answering activities going on the all the time. Whatever you have in mind, will always deliver you the most reliable one answer. Just like other online knowledge exchanging platforms, is also a community-based knowledge sharing center where its members assist each other by submitting their answers or point of views. There are two ways for asking the question from First, one is asking or search Quora bar of from where you can submit your question. In a case of not finding the exact solution or exact question already asked by the others, you can submit the fresh question as well. In the same manner, you can submit the answers to the questions asked by the others. You can make answers to both fresh questions and already asked question. is one of the best community-based knowledge sharing center from where you will always find the best and exact answers against your questions.


Open Source
Github is a community-based online questions and answers portal. It is entirely a human-guided independent search engine particularly designed for questions and answers purposes only. You want to get an instant answer to any question for free then this knowledge exchange center will be surely a great help for you. You can submit any question at this portal and can search through the existing one as well if any answered by someone already.

In addition to the online portal, there is an application of for smartphones as well that also delivers the same level of features and functions. It has an independent database of billions of answers and questions that make it one of the leading answers services over the internet. The easy-to-use conversational format of this website makes its visitors able to take part in the ongoing discussion or give the answer to the existing questions.

#5 is a user driven and contributed portal particularly designed for the programmers, developers and those directly or indirectly linked to the profession of IT by any means. Millions of programmers are the part of this knowledge sharing center. They are here to ask questions from others and to answer the questions submitted by others. If you are looking for a platform for finding the answers to the questions related to the IT field then will be surely a great help for you for that purpose from where you will always find the best and perfect answer. You can join the online question and answers community of for the three main reasons that are to ask programming questions, answer & help the others and get recognized for your expertise. If you are an expert in your field then you must join the portal of because it is the best chance for you to build your professional level of profile and make an impactful online presence. At the portal of in addition to sharing your knowledge, you can explore for the career opportunities being posted by the other users. In short, is one of the best internet based heavens for the programmers and developers to learn coding, programming, developing and much more. They can assist the others to make their portfolio and can take assistance from others as well to enhance their knowledge.


This domain is dedicated to the computer enthusiasts and those with the technical background. is basically user generated platform specified for the questions and answers in real time. The best about is that unlike traditional knowledge sharing portals, requires no kind of registration or creation of the account. The way of working of is very simple. Anybody can ask any question relating to computer and IT platform. There is no kind of geographical restriction. In the same manner, the answer can be submitted by anyone. If you will submit the best and perfect answer then you will be awarded with points and this will make your profile to raise upward. This portal paint itself as professional in computer and IT related issues. However, when you will move to the official website of Super User you will see that it is covering the various other topics and issues as well like life & arts, science & technology, culture, entertainment, recreation and various others. There is an application of for the smartphone users that delivers the same level of satisfaction to its users. is the part of the Stack Overflow that’s why most of the features and functions here are much similar to that of Stack Overflow. However, the difference between two is that is not specified for a single topic, unlike Stack Overflow that is only for the programmers.


SaaS has an independent database of almost two million questions and answers. It is listed among the oldest and leading knowledge-based portals that are delivering solutions to all types of questions and issues. The questions and answers available at the portal of this site can be explored into the categories of health & fitness, hobbies, people, parenting, recreation, real estate, business, autos, arts & humanities, and dozens of others. The best about is that it will always deliver you real-time answers in all categories. All answers available at this site are free and can be accessed in a real-time environment; In addition to finding the answers, you can use the categories provided on this site.

However, you can ask the questions directly to the experts as well on any topic or category. You are required to move to submit a question form of and after submitting the question simply submit it. Chances are high that you will receive the answer instantly otherwise you will require to wait until 1 AM the next day. There are a lot of experts listed on the website. You can contact them as well. This website is one of the best web-based knowledge exchange platforms that will always deliver you the best, free and real-time service. There is no geographical restriction at all.

#8 is a user contributed questions and answers platform from where anyone can get the answer of any question for free. is the name of those leading question and answers based website that are providing the answer for free. It is a platform working with the aim of asks, learn, to share and grow. The main topics covered by the are technology, science, health, education, pets & animals, business & finance, references, definitions, relationships and much more. Against 167,620 almost 627,139 answers have been submitted by the members of the You can also join the free service of as well either for the purpose of asking the questions or answering to the questions of others. You will always get here instant and free answers of almost all level of your questions if these fall under the approved topics of the Asking for any question is very simple. You can either use the search questions, topics and people bar of the or can explore through the list of available topics as well. Whether you need the answer to any burning question or you are bursting with the knowledgeable answers and want to share your experience with others then is always open for you. All you required is to create a free account and take part in the ongoing activities.

#9 is an online discussion board, blogging and questions and answers portal that is helping its visitors across the globe via its social networking based platform. It is a platform to hang out in an online environment. Check out what you can explore at the online portal of the; top rated discussion, most recent discussion, most recent activity, hot discussions, new user discussions, discussions with no response and much more. There is an earning program of the as well for those who to earn money by means of taking part in the discussion or other user contributed activities of the will pay you for your valuable contribution in the ongoing activities at the Despite the fact, is delivering the high level of services still there are disadvantages of this website. First, main disadvantage of this website is its interface that only support for the search bar for directly searching the answer. There is not category or department system at all to assist the users in getting the more reliable and authentic answer against their query. All other services are great. Database of the discussion is also very huge. If you succeed in understanding the interface of then you will surely able to get the more from the

#10 is a brand new question and answer and knowledge sharing website over the internet from where you can learn a lot by finding the exact answers. has changed the traditional style of question and answers based websites. In addition to simply dealing in the question and answer system, is working to assist its visitors in enhancing their level of knowledge and information. You can ask any question from the by simply typing it in the search or ask your question bar of the You can explore through the topic section of the as well. The list of topics available at the contains the topics like business, family, health, science, society, world and much more. The quantity of answers is low but what is available is surely reliable and accurate. If you like to help others then you can also join the portal of as well by simply creating and account and after then you will be allowed to submit the answers to the queries of the others. The best about is its relevance ranking system. The relevance system of is based on the ranking system that shows the users who many answers are relevant to the question. This assists them in deciding either to go for the answers or not. For the same reasons, said it to the beyond question and answers website.


Based on the knowledge contributed by the real people across the globe, is a domain dedicated to getting the answers in an online environment from the real people across the world. It can be said as the easiest version of Google and other leading search engines because of allowing the visitors to always get the reliable one and to the point answers against all of their queries. Either it about art or adult information, you can ask anything from you want. is said to be one of the simplest and sophisticated portals over the internet because of providing and knowledge sharing center in a user-friendly environment. Check out the topics nicely covered by the that are education, entertainment, finance, health, home, love, sports, technology, travel, politics, and dozens of various other miscellaneous topics. The advantage of using the portal of is that you will always get the advice and answers from the real people. is a totally free knowledge exchange platform. How? Who? Where? What and Why? All W are covered at the You will always find here the answers of the popular who questions that gets asked at the by most of its visitors. In the same manner, you can also submit your answers to the questions asked by the other visitors of the That is the level of working of to always deliver the best information to its visitors.


If you have any question then has answers. If you are the lack of knowledge over any specific topic then has experts to answers your queries. Anything and topic that you will ask to the will be backed by the experts of with reliable information without any cost. If you want to enjoy the fee web-based knowledge exchanging platform then here is the to assist you in this aim. You will always get here the best and reliable information against your simple to complex queries. All you required us to move to the and ask the experts of the You can also submit your question as well or can check through the topics category of the as well where almost all topics have been nicely covered by the You can expect each and every topic from the The section of is separate for new users and experts. Anyone can join the knowledge service of for free by simply creating and account and first. The users of can in addition to asking the questions can express their point of views as well against the questions of the others. If you have any explanation regarding any question then you are always welcome to share it with others. has very user-friendly web interface.


Chrome OS
Online is an online expert and user-contributed community based on the question and answer system. However, it is a Q&A-based website, but working on this platform is very different. Instead of providing the question and answers in traditional style, it connects visitors across the world to ask their queries from the expert members of the platform. General users can also join the services of the forum, and they will also be promoted to the expert field after providing a considerable amount of answers to the visitors of the platform. The data available here are categorized into several categories and topics also.

Check out the main topics covered by this platform, which are legal, automotive, tech support, veterinary, and various others. The best about it is that for each topic, there are experts from that, particularly the category only. Moreover, in most cases, it gives back the answer to the question of its visitors in less than ten minutes. All you are required to move to this forum, and after selecting the topic, ask your question and get the answer instantly. For the information of the readers, it is a paid service that is designed for seeking answers and advice from experts only. Paid service enhances its service quality as well.

#14 is the web-based community of experts that are working voluntarily for this online knowledge exchange platform. From this portal, you can find the answers and pieces of advice from the expertise of their fields. These experts belong to the fields of columnist, doctor, lawyer, and various others. is an entirely free web-based portal for getting free advice against your simple to complex queries. Whether you need the answers of any funny questions or just want to increase your level of general knowledge, will freely provide you all of its resources. There are four ways for getting advice from the that are search questions, ask a question, browse advice columnists and search advice columnists. If you want to get the real time answers then there are chat rooms available at the from where you can get the answers from the other members of the In order to ask the question, you will be first required to register with and then ask your question either by exploring or submitting a new one. It is really easy and free for the purpose of getting free and advice in real time. You can write column or answers for the as well.

#15 is basically a Q&A community of the Meta Filter that is known for delivering various public solutions. In addition to helping the masses on various issues, Meta Filter owns a question and answer section as well by the name of It is entirely a user driven and community contributed portal where the members of connects with each others to ask questions and give the answers. The front page of is designed in a nicely and user-friendly order that make the navigation system easy for the visitors. Everything here is in order. Even the answered and unanswered questions have a separate section to make the visitors able to move to the section as per their own interest. In order to submit the new question or giving the answer of the existing question, you will be first required to create an account with Well, there is another thing that merits to be shared here and that is is not a free service. In order to create an account, you will be required to pay $5 in order to use the premium features of the Meanwhile, you can explore the existing question for free.